Bluecoats Liverpool Live 06 26-29 October
Thursday 26-Sunday 29 October
During Liverpool Biennial 2006, artists are extending their work beyond conventional gallery boundaries, bringing live art to audiences in a surprising variety of locations. With Bluecoat closed for a major development, its live art programme, Liverpool Live 06, is being presented in the city centre’s public spaces and at other venues. A main theme running through the programme is the changing urban environment, specifically the context of Liverpool’s current transition through regeneration projects like Paradise Development, the largest retail/mixed use development in Western Europe.
The city’s streets, public spaces, shops and other buildings become sites for performances, talks, walks, tours and actions, many of them created by international and UK artists specifically for Liverpool Live 06. In more intimate locations, hidden spaces are imaginatively revealed, whilst at night the social environment of pub and club are evoked.
Well worth checking out for the weekend.
More information, event times and maps at: