Tuesday, February 12, 2008


May 1998 saw the launch of artranspennine, a large scale, cross disciplinary exhibition with a £3 million pound budget. In 2003 artists Nick Crowe and Ian Rawlinson re-launched the exhibition ‘brand’ that had been left fallow for the previous five years with a fraction of the budget, just £553. The baton has now been passed on to artists Paul Harfleet and Hilary Jack to reinterpret the artranspennine “brand” from their own cultural perspective.

We would like to invite you to respond to artranspennine08.

There is no specific theme for artranspennine08. You are invited to make work which is sited at a location along the transpennine way which runs between Hull and Liverpool. The work can be of any media, an event or a performance. Responsibility for installation of works is yours. If you choose to accept this invitation, send your contact details to us at atp08@hotmail.co.uk and we will add your name to our list of participating artists on our website at www.atp08.blogspot.com. We will then inform you of deadlines for images and text for the website and the installation of work.

As the facilitators/curators of the show we will deal with press and publicity and have set up a website where images of your work along with your details will be posted. News and information about related events and activities will appear on this site along with details of a launch party which will be announced in early April.

Thank you for your response we look forward to receiving details of your work.

Paul Harfleet and Hilary Jack


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