Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Leeds Met Gallery programme

This week in the Leeds Met Gallery:

Ori Gersht & Craig Fisher
Tuesday 19 September - Saturday 14 October

Ori Gersht The Forest
Deep in a forest, in what initially appears to be a sylvan idyll bathed in pools of dappled light, a number of trees start to fall mysteriously in front of the camera, crashing down to earth in an overwhelming cacophony of breaking timbers and branches. Afterwards silence and tranquillity return as if the act of destruction had not happened at all.

Craig Fisher Bloody Mess
The sculptures in Bloody Mess suggest a narrative which leads the spectator through the spaces, examining representations of violence and disaster and the seductive quality of such imagery.
Running simultaneously these two very different exhibitions embrace the versatility of our Gallery spaces.

If you haven't already received one the new season brochure is available now a to download at www.leedsmet.ac.uk/arts

New Art Gallery job with Opera North

Opera North Education director Dominic Gray has asked us to pass this opportunity on to students in the Fine Art Programme area:

-Opera North is taking over a small studio space on New Briggate, next to the entrance to the Grand Theatre. We want to use this space to show temporary exhibitions of visual art as and when something is appropriate to the current Opera season, or to something else happening in Leeds at that time. Anyway, we have our first show in there from October 7th to December 9th and we need to get the space invigilated. It would just need to be one person each day. Tuesday - Saturday 2-7pm. It is a paid post and I feel it would appeal most directly to Fine Art students. It will not be an overly busy job, with time for reading/drawing etc.

Anyone interested please contact Stephen Felmingham stephen.felmingham@leeds-art.ac.uk and I'll pass your details on.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

New-Build Space for Fine Art

As you are all probably aware by now, the BAFA programme area will be moving to a new permanent home this year. At present the move is due to take place around Christmas - until then we will be camping in the old life room next to the Pi studio we originally shared with Art and Design. The Fine Art office space has already moved to its temporary quarters, Sheila Gaffney and Stephen Felmingham are occupying Rm 232 on the floor above the life room (Viscom floor), whilst Caroline the course administrator has moved next door to her old office in the Pi studio. This arrangement will last until we move at Christmas into the new purpose built accommodation. Until then we shall be applying our usual innovative solutions to room-use and timetabling to ensure the smooth running of the course! Above are some images of the new space under construction in order for you to feel that the temporary pain will ultimately be well worth the effort.....

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Exhibition event opportunity:

Email from Leeds University BA Fine Art student Ruth Wilbur to all BAFA students at Leeds College of Art and Design:

I am writing to inform you of an exhibition based event that I am running at Mine Bar in the Leeds University Union.
The event runs on the 1st Sunday of every month, commencing on October 1st. As a student of the department I, like others, have felt that Leeds lacks many opportunities for students and practicing artists to exhibit their work and form discussions. One of my key aims of this venture is for students of all institutions, as well as independant up and coming artists, to exhibit their work together and therefore expose the Leeds art scene. I in particular feel it would be very beneficial to meet students from the College and Met, as at present have little opportunity.
Here's an insight into the how the Sunday art/music venture at Mine Bar in the Union will work:
The event will be a relaxed opportunity to experience up and coming art:
Showcasing new talent there will be films, live performances, installations, paintings, photography, and animation.
The day will be relaxed and entertaining. Sunday lunch will be served from 11am.
Performances and films will run throughout the day. In the afternoon there will be a mixture of acoustic, jazz and soul music. Evening entertainment in the form of live bands will kick off from 8pm and run till 12 midnight. Admission is free!
If you'd like to become further involved with this venture please feel free to contact me on the number or address below.
I would really appreciate you sending this e-mail to all of your students and fellow tutors.
Kind Regards,
Ruth Wilbur
3rd Year Fine Art